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The Pulsing Network of Creative Energy

Writer's picture: YassicaYassica

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Finding the Beauty in Life

When I was eight years old, my grandfather passed away. He lived in Argentina, and my family lived in New York. Before he died, he asked to see his children, so my father hopped on the next flight to Argentina. When he arrived at the hospital, my grandfather said a few words and then closed his eyes and passed away.

When I heard this story, I remember thinking, what a beautiful way to die, to be able to wait for your loved ones to arrive and then close your eyes when you are ready to go. His death was so beautiful to me that I felt I wanted to one day die that way too. I also wanted to choose the moment I closed my eyes as I looked at my own family and the life I had created. As a child, I took on this memory as a positive imprint to carry on my life’s journey.

Many years later, my father told me that my grandmother had also passed away similarly before I was born. She was ill in bed for about a month, and during that time, the family would ask her if she wanted to gather the family around. She would respond, "No, I will let you know when it is time”. When the time arrived, she asked everyone to gather. When everyone was in the room, she said her parting words. When she was ready, she closed her eyes and transitioned.

Ingrained in my cellular memory is knowing when it is our time to leave the physical body and transition. We may not be consciously aware of it, but we know when it is our time at a very deep level. Everyone knows. Even when things may seem to happen by accident, there are no accidents. There are only choices. We make these choices before coming to Earth, so this is why at a deep soul level, we know.

A few years ago, I had a healthy and nourishing conversation with my mother about her death. She told me about her near-death experience as a child. Her experience was so beautiful that she did not want to come back to her life, but she was told by those she met in the afterlife that she had to return. Ever since that experience, she has never been afraid to die. As her daughter, I feel inner peace knowing this about my mother.

The energetic imprints that reside within my cells from my parents and ancestors are ones that I am happy to carry and nurture. The more I experience life, both in the worldly and the spiritual, the more I understand that there is only life. The pulsing network of creative energy is life itself as we transition from one form to the next.

Embracing the Impermanence of Life

Death is a transformation, a transition from one form to the next. In our third-dimensional reality, the transition can happen in seconds or take years; it is perceived as unfolding in linear time. There is a perceived beginning, and there is a perceived end.

We are continuously transforming as we say goodbye to something that brings a change in our lives. We are consciously aware of some changes and some that we are not; however, we are making life and death decisions every day. Every day we transform while we continue living through all these changes, whether in the regeneration of cells or major life decisions.

The Cycles of Life

Creative energy moves around like a spiral, and I have found that comets seem to be a great analogy. They come around for us to observe and experience, but it is not an occurrence in exact repetition. There is always a slight change in its form and path. They sometimes crash into something that changes their form completely, and when this happens, the pattern then ends, and a new pattern emerges from the new form(ation) of energy.

I see the comet as a beautiful metaphor of our cycles of healing, where a repetitive limiting belief shows up in various ways throughout our lives. When we heal, the pattern finally comes to an end. We then see a new reality and way of living unfold. We could say the same of the cycles within our collective consciousness. We are currently living through a transition into a new cycle predicted and talked about far and wide; and by many ancient cultures.

When we heal, the ‘old’ energy no longer exists in the same vibrational frequency or pattern, so the energy untangles and falls apart. As the pattern ends and a new one emerges, that finds a new way of living in a new form of energy. Each cycle (or pattern) comes around with more layers of information that makes the experience unique.ence unique.

Navigating Dimensional Spaces

Creative energy takes on many forms and in many-dimensional spaces to create the experience of change. We exist in many vibrational frequencies and take on the various form(ation)s within those spaces, all of which are accessed within the present moment. The closest analogy I have heard is how we tune in to different radio frequencies. The key is to learn how to access and navigate these spaces.

One way that I access higher frequencies is through sound, which then takes me into profound silence. I use sound to open up the gateways to my inner worlds. I first learned the sounds of the chakras, but very soon after, I learned that I intuitively knew the sounds that were unique to me. I let them come out of me as they arrived. I do not think about them or try to control them. I just let them flow. As I change, evolve, and grow on my path the sounds are changing and evolving with me as well.

Allowing creative energy to flow and guide us without having to control the outcome is how we enter our heart space. I have found that group settings are excellent gateways for me as I feel held in a "safe" space to let go and allow creative energy to flow with ease. Connecting with other high vibrational souls amplifies my vibration and frequency. I am able to reach deeper states of connection within myself.

Other group settings, for example, could be attending a Gong Bath, practicing Chi Kung, or joining meditation circles, to name a few. Teachers, mentors, guides, and friends have helped me navigate and orient myself when I have found the path difficult, but I always find my unique way to do the same. The key is to allow creative energy to carve your own path even if nothing in your external world mirrors it or validates it.

When we tune in to these higher frequencies, we access information referred to as wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge that is timeless and available to everyone. No one owns or is the originator of knowledge. There are frequencies and levels of consciousness that have not been accessed yet. There are souls on this Earth currently raising their vibration to access these frequencies and leave records for others (and future generations) to guide them and help them discern their own reality and truth. We are all on different yet similar paths.

Honoring the Transition Period While Going Through Change

Tuning-in helps us honor the transition period from one form to the next – from one “death” to the next. There is a greater change going on right now that is so radical that we cannot see yet where it is taking us, but we can feel it at a very deep level. When we try to see it, we lose sight of what we feel. If we focus on the blind spot, this will only bring up a spectrum of fear. The more we fear change, the more we try to control it instead of going with it. Like death, we cannot see when it will happen, but we can feel it at a very deep level.

Surrendering to the process, to what is going on around us, while not knowing where it is taking us does not mean we relinquish responsibility. It means we take responsibility and trust that we are looked after – not by an external force, but by our Self. The level of trust we have in how things unfold reflects the depth of connection within ourselves. When we surrender fully, we trust fully in ourselves. In this space, there is no room for doubt. We can see clearly.

The more we trust and deepen our connection, the shorter the gap between intuition and action. Once these two have come together, we are fully in the present moment. Intuition is the inner compass that creates our outer reality. Therefore, the more aligned we are with our intuition, the better we understand our body, memories, and traumas (and those of our ancestors). Our inner communication system sharpens, and we can listen to what it tells us.

When we take time to listen, we start opening all channels of communication with every cell in our body. The cells in our body respond, and we start to see clearly the many-dimensional layers through which energy communicates. We no longer believe what others tell us. We can know "truth" for ourselves. We listen and discern.

The more people start discerning and listening to their inner voice, the clearer the collective voice becomes. This is how we change the collective reality. This is how we create the new paradigms we want to live in. This is how we align with the best version of ourselves in conjunction with Earth. This is how we align and evolve as a collective whole.

Communicating With an Old Friend

We can communicate with all living things, including viruses. A virus is a form of energy that has its own frequency and vibration. We can engage and communicate with it and listen to it. A virus is energy, just like you, just like your thoughts, and like other energy formations that thousands of people die from every year, and thousands of people heal from every year.

A virus is a trigger that unmasks the root cause of dis-ease. As a global community, I believe we are so disconnected from ourselves that we fear the very thing that helps us live. If more of us understood what this global situation is teaching us, what lessons we need to learn, and what it is unmasking within ourselves, we would not be acting out of fear, and we would not be in isolation.

We are trying to control something that does not want to be controlled. We are trying to kill or contain something that does not want to be destroyed or captured. When we fight a war against anything, we make it grow stronger, leading to more of the same situation. We are giving our energy to something that cannot be destroyed, but it can be changed. How a virus evolves depends on how we evolve and interact with ourselves.

We can transform the energy and vibration of a negative pattern, not by avoiding it but by working with it. We work with ourselves. We do not call it out as an enemy or run away from it or avoid it or hide from it because what we are really doing is running away from ourselves and hiding from ourselves. The current virus, or global situation, is mirroring and unmasking all that we hide within ourselves, our society, and our global community.

I am observing an epidemic of fear, a fear of death due to a limited understanding of life. We move about our world with fear-based emotions such as anxiety, stress, guilt, and shame – all the emotions that lower our immune system. We know that when we experience these emotions continuously, we get sick and manifest the sickness in our physical body with organ failure, respiratory dis-ease, or tumor. We die through violence, depression, and suicide in other extreme cases.

The virus invites us to go within and listen to the toxicity we have allowed in our world, society, minds, and bodies. It is our ally, not our enemy. In fact, it wants us to live, and we need it to live. It has been around for millennia and has helped make us who we are. It evolves like you in harmony and balance when the terrain (your body) supports its function.

In the past couple of months, more and more people have been learning to connect to the multilayer and multidimensional inner communication system within themselves. The purpose of the virus is to live with us and show us where we are not in alignment in our lives. Are we listening? It is so much easier to blame something external, like a virus, for the reasons we are ill than to look deeper within ourselves for the root cause.

As a mother of two young boys, I have found this level of introspection the most difficult to navigate, but I will navigate it no matter how difficult it gets because they are my future lineage, and I am their ancestor. If one of them comes home from school one day and is not feeling well, I do not automatically assume that they "caught" something at school. One of the first things I do is reflect on what has been going on in their environment at home.

I observe what my thought process has been like recently. I observe what my stress levels have been like. I examine my emotions and those of my husband and his environment at work. When I become aware of what may be compromising their immune systems, I can make the necessary changes by tuning in. I may sometimes seek external help through conventional medicine, but it becomes less and less necessary.

I tap into my toolbox of holistic practices, modalities, reference books or reach out to brilliant healers who I know who can help me navigate through the shadow (what I cannot see myself). Sometimes, an issue or trauma can be resolved in hours, and other times, it can take months, years, or a lifetime to resolve. It may also be for our children to heal their ancestors as they learn to heal themselves.

Other ways we can observe what is happening is through the foods we eat, the products we use, the places we inhabit, the patterns within our family lineage, the cultural settings and countries we are born into, and the history of the land we live on. It is all energy, and we choose where we want to focus our energy and how deep we want to go to heal.

Our body (and hence the Earth) is not an easy terrain to navigate at first, but with time and practice, we get better and clearer, and we will find that nature provides all the answers because we are nature itself.

I believe the virus is teaching us to look at all our fears and learn how to embrace them to live in our fullest expression without controlling the outcome. I believe the outcome is sovereignty. We are on the collective path to becoming sovereign human beings learning to live life to the fullest expression of who we truly are without fear and without knowing what that will look like because we have nothing to reference in our external reality.

All we have is what we have always known; the creative energy that is our very essence, life itself. We access this state of "being" that is pure love and wisdom by going within ourselves. We each have the key to access it, and we are all at different stages on the path. Some of us are here for one incarnation and others for many, but we are all here now, helping each other grow, learn, and evolve.

It is time to get comfortable with living life and embracing transition. The most important transition we experience in this lifetime is the one we enter at birth and exit through physical death. I put my faith in the highest version of humanity. One that is much braver and wishes to live their life to the fullest, in the present moment, while looking responsibly after their health and taking the deep dive to explore the reasons we become ill in the first place.

We no longer live in a world where we can place blame on anyone or anything, and; that includes our ancestors. We need to listen to our ancestors, learn from them, and either choose to do things differently or nurture the wisdom they offer.

Preparing for Change

In February of this year, I traveled to Florida to visit my family. For a few months prior, I felt this strong urge to go for a visit. It had been a while since we all traveled there as a family. The logical and more straightforward thing to do was wait for the Easter half-term when the kids had more vacation time, but that did not feel right. What felt right was to go in February, so I booked our flights.

Leading up to the trip, I felt an end coming or death of something. The feeling would make me emotional. I was unsure what that “ending” would be, but I knew it was not a physical death. On the last day of the trip, I told my mother that I felt like I was saying goodbye to someone or something, perhaps to myself. My mother looked worried for a moment, but I told her it did not feel like a physical death. It was something else.

There were many things I had been healing over the years with myself, my family, and my friends. Even though I could not put my finger on the "death" bit, I interpreted it as a closure to certain patterns, limiting beliefs, and ancestral traumas of the past. It also felt like I was putting closure to a rich and abundant life in its many ways and forms. I had a wonderful childhood, life, and career despite the challenges I have had along the way. My reflections were of immense gratitude as if I were leaving this world but not physically leaving.

I was saying goodbye to an identity that I had always known and found comfort in, an identity that was quite beautiful. I was saying goodbye to an Earth that I had always found familiar, comfortable, and beautiful. I understood these feelings as an incredible expansion in consciousness I had been experiencing since 2012. I felt an underlying fear of the radical change to come while also feeling a tremendous sense of excitement.

The whole trip to FL felt incredibly self-reflective, healing, and symbolic. It was the best family trip I had ever had in Florida. I had been traveling there to visit my family since they moved from New York in 1994, a year that also marked a new beginning for my family, so the feeling was also quite euphoric.

The visit felt like a celebration. I felt immense gratitude for all I had lived, experienced, and healed in my life up to that point.

I was ready to close my eyes.


About the author

Yassica is an intuitive and visionary artist and healer. Her artwork captures the images that she sees in her mind’s eye. They reflect an inner journey of exploration and discovery that uncovers what is hidden, providing clues into the subconscious and revealing deeper aspects of the Self.

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