Welcome to Yassica Soul Integration (YaSI)
YaSI is at the heart of my work - supporting the integration of the soul into conscious awareness so we feel more whole as individuals. I help bridge the unseen with the tangible through creative expression and healing, offering a space for reflection, connection and transformation.
I weave together two deeply connected areas that activate personal transformation:
Creative Expression (Art and Writing) – My paintings and writing invite deep reflection, creating space for personal exploration. Each individual connects with their own inner wisdom, memories, and insights in a unique way.
​Healing Sessions– Through Soul Plan Readings, I guide you in understanding the deeper aspects of your soul's path, helping you integrate these insights into daily life. My approach weaves intuitive and holistic practices to bring clarity, self-awareness, and alignment.
Explore my Art Gallery, Exhibitions, Writing, and Sessions to discover more.
​​Healing Though Frequency and Activation
Whether through imagery, words, or intuitive sessions, my work is about activating something within you—bringing awareness to what is ready to be seen, understood, or healed. Each expression carries an energetic imprint that resonates uniquely for every person, creating space for transformation in ways that cannot always be explained, only felt.​​
​​Inspiration for Future Generations
At the heart of it all is a desire to inspire deeper self-awareness and healing—both individually and collectively. I envision a world where connecting with the soul essence is natural and encouraged, where my children and future generations grow up in alignment with their true nature. The more we strengthen our inner connection and embrace ourselves fully, the less conflict, war, and division we will see externally. Change starts within.​​
Who I Am
I am like you, just slightly different, but aren't we All? Born and raised in Long Island, New York, with Argentine and Spanish roots, I moved to England in 2012, where I now live with my husband and two boys. Alongside a career in International Development, spanning over two decades, I trained and qualified in various holistic and therapeutic modalities, always striving to bring balance and healing to others. I am an active member of The CMA (The Complimentary Medical Association), and my professional profile and qualifications are available on LinkedIn.

"Yesterday, I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I want to change myself."